The Birth of Jesus (Luke 2)

When something is beautiful; when it’s beauty overwhelms us; when we know where treasure is, we drop everything and we run to it. When you are desperate for a savior and you know you can find one in Jesus, you run. You make haste. You do not delay. Nothing else matters. Nothing is as important in that moment as getting to Jesus. That’s what the Shepherds did when Jesus was born. Will we also make haste to meet Him?

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Kinsman Redeemer (Ruth 3)

This week we come to the climax of Ruth, the Kinsman Redeemer; a late night plot, a change of clothes, and a proposal. At first glance, this part of the story may seem confusing or manipulative, but in truth, it is full of rich beauty and more of God's faithfulness activated through the faithfulness of His people.

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